A man showing his arm with moderate-to-severe eczema to his doctor

A man showing his arm with moderate-to-severe eczema to his doctor

ABOUT ECZEMA (atopic dermatitis)

Take a deeper look at eczema

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that affects millions of people nationwide. And for every one of those affected, the experience can be different. Symptoms can begin during childhood or much later in life and range from mild to severe. Eczema can also look and feel different from person to person.

Signs and symptoms of moderate-to-severe eczema may include:

  • Intense itching
  • Inflamed skin that looks red or discolored, depending on skin tone
  • Bumpy skin
  • Oozing skin
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Scaly skin

Eczema may look different depending on skin tone.

What eczema can look like on lighter skin tones

In lighter skin tones, eczema often looks red.

What eczema can look like on darker skin tones

In darker skin tones, eczema may appear as darker brown, purple, or ashen gray patches and redness may not be as visible.

Photos enhanced to illustrate moderate-to-severe eczema.

Eczema is a widespread condition

If you’ve experienced the effects of eczema, you know how much of a burden it can be—and you’re not alone. In the U.S., about 8.7 million people (12 and older) have moderate-to-severe eczema. For many of those people, managing symptoms can be a real struggle.

Expect more from your eczema treatment. Talk to a doctor and learn more about your options.

A study of 1064 people showed that about 6 in 10 people do not have adequate control over their moderate-to-severe eczema

What causes eczema?

Eczema may be caused by various factors, such as genes or triggers in your environment.

But your immune system may also play a role, as seen in the process below:

Irregular immune response within the skin icon


Eczema can be caused in part by an irregular immune response within the skin.

Inflammation in the skin icon


This immune response is thought to contribute to inflammation in the skin.

Signs of eczema icon


Inflammation contributes to the signs of eczema you see on the skin’s surface.

Stay informed

The more you know about eczema, the more prepared you can be to have meaningful conversations about your treatment options.

Talk to a doctor and see if CIBINQO is right for your or your teen’s moderate-to-severe eczema.

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