Doctor Discussion Guide
This easy-to-use checklist helps drive the conversation with your doctor to determine if CIBINQO is right for you.

In-Office Digital Brochure
This brochure reviews what moderate-to-severe eczema is and how CIBINQO may be able to treat your condition.

Lab Testing Brochure
This brief brochure addresses laboratory tests and health monitoring you can expect before and during treatment with CIBINQO.

Digital Eczema Tracker
This weekly self-report helps you keep close tabs on your moderate-to-severe eczema and progress with CIBINQO.

Share Your Experience Brochure
This brochure shows you how to share your CIBINQO story and inspire others in the eczema community.

Folleto digital en la oficina
Este folleto analiza qué es el eczema de moderado a grave y cómo CIBINQO puede tratar su afección.