Teens seated on a lawn together, smiling and watching a movie in the distance

Teens seated on a lawn together, smiling and watching a movie in the distance


Proven results for teens

Is your teen still dealing with moderate-to-severe eczema even after trying treatment after treatment? In a clinical study, some achieved noticeably clearer skin and fast itch relief with CIBINQO. Check it out.

Significantly clearer skin for teens

In a clinical study of teens (ages 12-17) with moderate-to-severe eczema who used topical steroids with either CIBINQO or an inactive pill after 3 MONTHS:

The majority taking CIBINQO saw 75% SKIN IMPROVEMENT




If it’s not working well, your doctor may increase your dose to 200 mg. If the 200 mg dose isn't working well, your doctor may advise you to stop CIBINQO. Use the lowest effective dose to maintain response.


CIBINQO delivered effective itch relief in 2 weeks (13% taking 100 mg, 25% taking 200 mg) vs an inactive pill (8%).

Studies of the safety and effectiveness of CIBINQO showed results in teens (ages 12-17) were consistent with results in adults (18+)

See more study results

In these clinical studies, the most common side effects of CIBINQO include common cold, nausea, headache, herpes simplex including cold sores, increased blood level of creatine phosphokinase, dizziness, urinary tract infection, tiredness, acne, vomiting, mouth and throat pain, flu, stomach flu, bacterial skin infection, high blood pressure, allergic skin rash to something you contacted, stomach pain, shingles, and low platelet count. These are not all of the possible side effects of CIBINQO. For more information, talk to your doctor or learn more about the Most Important Information about CIBINQO.

How CIBINQO was studied in teens

One of the clinical trials for CIBINQO focused on teens (ages 12-17) with moderate-to-severe eczema. Participants received either CIBINQO or an inactive pill (also known as a placebo). Neither they nor their doctors were told which one they received. All of those studied used topical steroids and had the option to also use a moisturizer.

This trial lasted 3 months and focused on understanding the effectiveness and safety of CIBINQO. Improvement in area and severity of eczema-affected skin, skin clearance, and itch reduction were monitored.

Some of the participants were able to enter another longer-term study that focused on safety.

Skin improvement, skin clearance, and itch reduction were monitored before, during, and at the end of the trials. The goal was to help answer the following question: Are teens who take CIBINQO more likely to have their eczema improve compared to teens who do not take CIBINQO?

Who participated in the teen study?


Pfizer would like to thank everyone who participated in the CIBINQO clinical trials.

Seeing is believing

Take a look at before and after photos of adults from our clinical trials to see results some people with moderate-to-severe eczema experienced.

See photos

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